First Business Meeting in Ekaterinburg : Amber Star Golden Visa
Oleg Railean

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First Business Meeting in Ekaterinburg

[ Event Date: 13-14 June 2024 ]

A crucial event to strengthen the company’s presence in Russia and explore new investment opportunities.

Amber Star Expands Activities in the Urals with Meeting in Ekaterinburg

On June 11, 2024, Amber Star took a strategic step by holding a business meeting in Ekaterinburg, marking the beginning of a new phase of its activities in the Urals region. This event was crucial to strengthening the company’s presence in Russia and exploring new investment opportunities.

This event represented a unique opportunity to get up to date on the latest trends in the Western investment market and to interact directly with leading experts in the field.

Participants had the chance to discuss current trends, clarify doubts, and receive valuable recommendations from our experts.

Amber Star continues to focus on innovation and expert support to keep up with the demands of the global market. The meeting in Ekaterinburg represents another milestone in the company’s trajectory, reaffirming its commitment to excellence and leadership in the investment sector.

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